经过漫长的炒作和宣传后,Nothing Phone (1) 最终在褒贬不一的声浪中首次亮相,一些人表示其设计新颖,也有人对这款中档手机的价位感到遗憾。
然而,在正式开卖几天后,已拿到Phone (1)的用户开始抱怨其品质,尤其是屏幕。
#GreenTintNothing@getpeid @nothing
— IronHrt (@IronHrt2018) July 13, 2022
Hi Carl, so Nothing is new in Nothing Phone 1, we already have seen the same "Green Tint display" issue in some of the previous OP phones as well. So what's for the hype all about? @geekyranjit @GyanTherapy @igyaan pic.twitter.com/ODfBPSna5j
推特上关于Phone (1)的投诉,多数都是因为屏幕发绿的问题;甚至有人因该问题而退换新机,但却得到有同样问题的设备。
此外,印度科技媒体《Beebom》的Phone (1)屏幕也有问题,在开机几个小时后,他们发现前置镜头周围出现“死像素(Dead Pixel)”的缺陷。
We received the Nothing phone (1) Indian retail unit this morning. And just three hours in, we are seeing dead pixels around the selfie camera in our unit. Disappointing!!
— Beebom (@beebomco) July 15, 2022
Any of you facing any similar hardware issues in #Nothingphone1? pic.twitter.com/2jlsfIFaDB
当我们以为屏幕是Nothing唯一的品质问题时,印度科技记者Amritanshu Mukherjee发现Phone (1)的另一个问题。
他表示,其 Phone (1) 背面的Glyph LED灯带出现脱落的情况,特别是背面右上角的灯带;同时他还发现背面的玻璃盖内有许多灰尘。
It seems the Nothing Phone (1) Glyph LED light strip is peeling on its own inside. Has anyone’s else faced this issue?@nothing #Nothingphone1 pic.twitter.com/mcduPmWMle
— Amritanshu Mukherjee (@amritanshu700) July 19, 2022
Nothing也对Phone (1) 的品质问题做出回应;针对屏幕的绿色调和死像素,该公司解释,当屏幕亮度太低时,所有OLED屏幕都容易受到影响,这并非Phone (1) 独有的问题。
至于灯带脱落,Nothing回复Amritanshu时表示,该问题仅出现在早期批量预生产的送审手机;虽然这些问题貌似得以解决,但考虑到作为卖点的Glyph LED灯带脱落,设备品质还是让人有点担心。